What actually matters to your homebuyers?
WNDO is the consumer insights platform specifically designed to help high-performance builders improve their products, homebuyers’ experiences and bottom lines.

You’ll Learn
Who your buyers are, why they buy, which features and benefits of their high-performance homes are most valued by them (and which are not), and how they’re feeling as they go through the build process.

So You Can
Better target your marketing and messaging, improve your customer service processes, adjust your home features and benefits, create happier customers, and sell more homes.

How it works
Your customers receive invitations to complete a total of 6 surveys during their build process.
You have access to the answers in real time – and you’ll see your net promoter score at every stage.
You’ll also see aggregate scores for all other builders so you can benchmark your scores to the overall industry’s scores.
Who’s behind this?
WNDO is brought to you by Shelton Group, the nation’s leading marketing communications firm entirely focused in sustainability, and the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA), which advances the leading edge of building science knowledge and sustainable business practices in the residential construction community through education, sharing and collaboration.

Get in touch
Find out more by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].
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